Transcript – How Far Can YOU Step? (Lantern Light)

(Note that all transcripts were created from audio recordings, and therefore any mistakes are the transcriptionist's, not the speaker's.)
Filename -- HowFarCanYouStep_LanternLight_SeeAsFarAsIcanStep_RickAtchley_transcription.doc

Rick Atchley

I read about this women that was a missionary in the Congo, and she lived in a compound with these other missionaries. And some of the older men of the village at night would guard the place. Once very late at night there was a knock at her door. She opened it and it was an elder of the town (they called him Papa John) who had a message for her. So she followed him to wherever it was she was supposed to go. It was a very dark night, no moonlight, no street lights or anything like that. All he’s got is a little old six inch kerosene lamp. She can barely make him out it’s so dark.

And as they’re walking she says, “Papa John, that lamp of yours doesn’t give off much light does it?”

And he says, “No, but it shines as far as I can step.”

Now there’s lots of wisdom there. We don’t sing and “Mile by Mile you’ll lead me.” We sing “Step by Step, you’ll lead me.” And if you think about it, that’s a pretty courageous song.

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