Transcript – George and the Orphan's Diamond

(Note that all transcripts were created from audio recordings, and therefore any mistakes are the transcriptionist's, not the speaker's.)
Filename -- GeorgeMueller_JehovahGireh_DiamondWindowOrphan_ProfilesInCourage_02_Courage_Under_Fire_20050713_050820_0m51s_transcript.doc

You’ve heard the story of George Mueller, who took care of over 2000 orphans in his life in England and he never once asked for money; he would just pray. 5000 answered prayers in his prayer journal!

One time the orphanage was in so much dept it was in danger of being foreclosed on. He said to his secretary, I must go to my study and pray. While he was praying the post came in, and it was just one letter. She brought it to Mueller, he opened the letter, and it was a diamond ring that a widow sent him. And the sale of that ring was enough to keep the orphanage open.

And he went over with that diamond, and he went to the window of his study, and he scratched into the glass, “Jehovah-jireh” – The Lord Will Provide.

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