Transcript – Courage to Send a Daughter

(Note that all transcripts were created from audio recordings, and therefore any mistakes are the transcriptionist's, not the speaker's.)
Filename -- Daughter_to_Brazil_Mission_ProfilesInCourage_04_Birth_of_Courage_20050720_050820_1m3s_transcript.doc

I hope that story happens a lot at our church. You say, it’s easy for you to say. No, it isn’t easy for me to say. Last Saturday at the DFW airport I put my daughter on the plane to go to Brazil and be gone 11 days. I’m having to tell you, I don’t like knowing if something went wrong I couldn’t be there in a few moments. But there’s a thought in the back of my mind that’s even scarier than that. What if she comes home and says, “Dad, that was so cool I want to spend the left of my life in a foreign land!”?

You see, her mother and I have intentionally raised her so that she might be open to that. And if she is, that we could say, “Well we may not see you much, until heaven, but go and answer the call of God.”

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