by Chandra
He spoke ill of no man; 
But was a miner of the best in people

He didn't wear fancy clothes; 
But carried jokes to spare in his pocket 

He didn't drive an impressive car; 
But he always went the extra mile

He didn't demand an audience; 
But we all flocked to his open arms, his smile, his laughter 

He didn't need to be right; 
He needed you to feel loved

He didn't spout his wisdom; 
But honored the thoughts of others

He didn't pick up the stones of judgment; 
He embraced sinners

He didn't hold a high position; 
He was a fisherman, a peacekeeper, a fixer, a poet

He didn't have a lot of money; 
His treasures weren't stored here

He accepted no glory for himself; 
He humbled himself, for the sake of Christ

He didn't seek company with the rich or important; 
But with the Lord, his family, and the least of these

He didn't strive to lead a movement; 
He worked to feed sheep

He turned his back on no one; 
But kept his arms open and lights on

He didn't preach condemnation; 
He lived forgiveness, mercy, and grace

He didn't draw lines; 
He built bridges

He may not be famous; 
But his influence will stretch from generation to generation

And we didn't lose him; 
I know exactly where he is

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